Saturday, August 22, 2009

Threads of Excellence

“Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” -- Aristotle

Excellence is often seen as an ideal. In reality, it provides a competitive edge. It enables an organization to achieve and maintain industry leadership for generations. Market leaders have proven time and again that by creating an adaptive, innovation-friendly organization and establishing an inspirational growth culture – they can build sustainable leadership. The best companies have created systems to identify potential leaders and establishing winning teams.

Excellence would need to be seen from different dimensions namely, Individual, Team or Group, Organization or Corporate. The jargons may change but the three dimensions would exist. There are difference in the way it gets created and the way it manifest. This is reflected by the fact that “All excellent organization may not be filled with Excellent Employees, at the same time just because organization has Excellent Individuals do not become Excellent” This theme can be compared with “Unity in Diversity” of Nature and our country.

While Excellence Models like CII Exim Award, RBNQA , MBNQA, Deming etc creates the initial impetus, how to sustain / imbibe excellence beyond the limits of model. Most organizations are driven by the milestones associated with the model. In the process at time the spirit of excellence is lost. We believe that it is possible to create an “excellence” culture by threading the Excellence through all dimensions.

This has led to the conference “Threads of Excellence”. The sessions in this conference would refer to best practices and experience from cultural change aspect. The expected takeaways are
1. Looking at Excellence beyond models
2. Understanding the factors that are common at all dimensions of excellence
3. Generate thought in looking at how to use the excellence available in all dimensions.
4. Knowing what others have done

Visit to download details of the conference and brochures for participation.

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