Management Sutras – Part 3
The scripture is divided in to several parts. They are
- Samadhi Pada
- Sadhana Pada
- Vibhuti Pada
- Kaivalya Pada
Meaning of few Sanskrit words used :
Sutraa means an aphorism (literally "distinction" or "definition", from the Greek: aphorismós, apo + horizein, "from/to bound") is an original thought, spoken or written in a laconic and memorable form
Pada means foot. A derived meaning of this is also part of a book which has 4 parts (probably derived from 4 feet of a quadruped).
Samadhi means “one-pointedness, absorption”. Samadhi (समाधि samādhi, is the state of consciousness induced by complete meditation. The term's etymology involves "sam" (together or integrated), "ā" (towards), and "dhā" (to get, to hold). Thus the result might be seen to be "to acquire integration or wholeness, or truth". Another possible etymological breakdown of "samādhi" is "samā" (even) and "dhi" (intellect), a state of total equilibrium ("samā") of a detached intellect ("dhi").
Sadhana means spiritual exertion towards an intended goal. A person undertaking such a practice is known as a sadhu or a sadhaka. The goal of sādhanā is to attain some level of spiritual realization, which can be either enlightenment, pure love of God (prema), liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death (Samsara), or a particular goal such as the blessings of a deity as in the Bhakti traditions.
Vibhuti means "power" or "manifestation". This is often representation of “Knowledge”
Kaivalya means “alone” or “liberation”. The goal of all philosophical journey is to get into the stage of liberation where you are alone.
Each part has several sutras.
Samadhi Pada à 51 Sutras
Sadhana Pada à 55 Sutras
Vibhuti Pada à 56 Sutras
Kaivalya Pada à 34 Sutras
Samadhi pada explore following points. These are
1. What is Yoga?
2. Un-colouring your thoughts
3. Practice and non-attachement
4. Types of concentration
5. Efforts and commitments
6. Direct route through AUM
7. Obstacles and Solutions
8. Stabilizing and Cleansing the mind
9. After stabilizing the mind
Management is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. Management in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives (philosophically it is liberation) using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. A manager spends a significant time in “planning to control” and “controlling”. These expressions of management is only a part of Yoga as described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
Yoga Sutras from 1.1 to 1.4 defines Yoga.
atha yoga anushasanam
yogash chitta vritti nirodhah
tada drashtuh svarupe avasthanam
vritti sarupyam itaratra
Translation of aforementioned Sutras
“Now, after having done prior preparation through life and other practices, the study and practice of Yoga begins. Yoga is the control (nirodhah, regulation, channeling, mastery, integration,
coordination, stilling, quieting, setting aside) of the modifications (gross and subtle thought patterns) of the mind field. Then the Seer abides in Itself, resting in its own True Nature, which is called Self-realization. At other times, when one is not in Self-realization, the Seer appears to take on the form of the modifications of the mind field, taking on the identity of those thought patterns.
Any management professional would need to realise the Management in wholesome form. The practitioner would need to modify his/her thinking space and appropriately take charge. A successful professional is one who can
- Regulate one's thoughts process
- The decision making process
- Channelize the resources and thoughts around resources
- Build mastery over the core areas of business
- Integrate divergent views and aspirations (internal as well as external)
- Set aside trivial
- Introspect through still and quiet thinking
The essence of practitioners of Yoga and / or management is “discipline”. Disciplining one’s Mind, Words and Actions is critical to success. These three must come in an unified manner. One gets distracted due to weak mind (chitta). Weak managers have traits of being wavering in whatever they do. They would often not consistent in the thoughts and action. On the contrary successful managers realise what is important and they are able to see through the “organisational challenges” through their strength.
In next issue we would discuss other Sutras in Samadhi Pada.
1. Yoga – Aphorism by Subramanian K N
2. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Interpretive Translation by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati